Ear Shaping (Otoplasty)

Prominent ears occur in both males and females.  This is usually a hereditary condition.  There is usually a relative in the family that has this same deformity.

The ears are prominent because the folds in the ear do not develop.  If the folds do not develop, then the ear will not rotate back against the side of the head.  In boys, the ears protrude and it is difficult to camouflage them.  Many boys with prominent ears are targets of ridicule in the developing years of life.  Many comments are directed at their appearance or at their intelligence.

In girls, it is much easier to camouflage the prominent ears.  Many girls still complain that the ears protrude through their hair.  

The treatment is to surgically create folds in the ear that were not developed at birth.  By creating these folds, the ear can be reshaped and rotated back in the proper position.

This procedure can be performed on people that are over five years of age.  The ear is usually mature after five years of age.

Once the ear is reshaped and healed, the ear will keep that same shape throughout life.

This procedure is done as an outpatient procedure.  It usually takes around three weeks for the ear to heal. 

 Please view our before and after pictures on the website.  It will give you some idea of how much we can help people.

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