Breast Reconstruction

Feagin & Owen are Breast Reconstruction Specialists

Breast reconstruction after a mastectomy is an important part of the recovery process for many breast cancer survivors. Regaining femininity, feeling whole again, being able to wear the clothing you want, and having confidence in yourself are all benefits of breast reconstruction. These benefits are often best for women who are able to have reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy. Unfortunately, many women facing breast reconstruction are not fully informed about their reconstruction options.  Ideally, women should have some understanding of these reconstructive options prior to mastectomies.  An interval part of our consultation is to educate you on the reconstructive options.​

If you have recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, you are probably confused about the different treatment options. Many general surgeons treat Breast Cancer and are not knowledgeable about the reconstructive options. If your surgeon is not concerned with the devastating effects of removing or disfiguring your breasts, you need to see another surgeon. Drs. Feagin and Owen will put a team of general surgeons, plastic surgeons and oncologists together for you. They will treat your cancer aggressively while providing you with the best cosmetic results. Our goal is to cure your cancer and provide you with attractive breasts for many years to come.​

Our team has many technological advances in the treatment of Breast Cancer and reconstructing a beautiful breast. Many Breast Cancer patients we treat will have prettier breasts after our reconstruction than they did prior to having Breast Cancer. We have treated hundreds of Breast Cancer patients from Alabama, Georgia and Florida over the last 28 years. Most of our Breast Cancer patients from 1980 are alive and doing well.​

Benefits of Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is not technically a medically necessary procedure, you can live without breasts. You can even wear an external breast prosthesis. But studies have shown that women who get breast reconstruction after a mastectomy experience a number of psychological benefits, including feeling:

  • More feminine
  • More whole
  • Fully recovered
  • Younger
  • More confident
  • More comfortable in their clothes
  • Sexier

Overall, breast reconstruction significantly improves your quality of life after a mastectomy, helping you to fully enjoy the rest of your life.

Breast Reconstruction Options

One of the most important decisions to make about breast reconstruction is the timing of the procedure. You will feel better, more normal, and more recovered if you can have your breast reconstruction at the time of the mastectomy. However, this is sometimes not possible, and if you want to delay your reconstruction, that is okay, too.​

There are several different forms of breast reconstruction procedures we perform at the Feagin & Owen Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center:

  • TRAM flap–takes fat and skin from the abdomen and uses it to make a reconstructed breast. This procedure gives you, in effect, a tummy tuck as well as a reconstructed breast
  • Latissimus Dorsi flap–takes fat and muscles from the back to the chest to form a breast often with an implant.
  • Tissue expanders–In this technique the remaining skin, fat, and muscle is slowly stretched to form a breast. The volume for the breast is generally supplied by breast implants.
  • Fat transfer–fat is removed from an area with excess and is injected into the breast to ad volume and shape.

Sometimes, these procedures can be used in combination. For example, a fat transfer is often a good way to make small adjustments to the shape and size of the reconstructed breast to give you a natural-shaped breast of the size you desire.​

Why Choose Feagin & Owen for Your Breast Reconstruction?

If you are looking for a natural-looking reconstructed breast, it is best to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon whose training and experience is focused on creating aesthetic results. Sometimes, your breast cancer surgeon will offer to perform the reconstruction surgery, but it is important to carefully look at the surgeon’s results and compare them to those of a trained and boarded plastic surgeon, such as the examples in our Before & After gallery.​

Dr. Charles Feagin and Dr. William Owen are board-certified plastic surgeons with over 60 years of combined experience helping breast reconstruction patients in the Wiregrass and Gulf Coast Regions. Our training, experience, and technical skill help us not only get you the best results but serve as your breast reconstruction advocate as well.​

Because breast cancer surgeons sometimes do not tell patients about their options or resist immediate reconstruction, you need to work with a plastic surgeon who can tell you about all your options. If your surgeon is resisting immediate reconstruction, we can talk to him or her, doctor to doctor, to learn whether there is a real cause for the delay or whether you can actually have immediate reconstruction.​

For more information, please see Questions about Breast Reconstruction.

To learn more about breast reconstruction at the Feagin & Owen Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center, please contact us to schedule a consultation today. We proudly serve patients near Dothan or Montgomery, Alabama or Panama City and Destin, Florida.

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