This is a 35YO lady that was interested in some cosmetic improvement of her breasts. She has a moderate amount of breast tissue but they are falling inferiorly and the nipples are pointing downward. She needed more superior fullness. She underwent a bilateral mastopexy with some small implants. The implants give her more superior fullness. Her scars will be dark for around 6-9 months and will fade and become almost imperceptible. This procedure is done as an outpatient procedure at the hospital.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a lady that lost about 80lbs. following a gastric sleeve. Unfortunately she did not lose any weight in her breasts. Her breast size was causing a lot of neck, back, and shoulder symptoms. She ultimately underwent a breast reduction and later underwent an operation to remove the excess skin on her arms, i.e. brachioplasty. She is shown two months following the brachioplasty and about 4-5 years following the breast reduction. She has gotten a very nice result. She is especially ecstatic about the appearance of her arms. She wore a sleeveless gown to a New Years’ Eve ball recently. This was the first time she has done that in decades. She has an uneventful recovery and no problems. Her breasts are C size.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a patient who wanted large breasts with significant upper pole fullness. She had nipple sensation which was important to her. She had a pectus excavatum deformity on the chest which created some asymmetry. In the office, she like the 560cc implants. She underwent an augmentation/mastopexy with a full wise pattern mastopexy on one side and a superior crescent on the other. She had an uneventful recovery. She maintained nipple sensation. She is happy with her size. Photographs are taken two months after her original surgery.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 25YO lady that has been having significant neck and shoulder pains due to her large breasts. Also, she has developed drooping of the breasts. Her breasts are large and droop more than she desires. She still wanted to maintain fullness and a better shape in the breasts as well as have the nipples placed in a more appropriate position. She underwent a bilateral breast reduction. The scars are usually red for around six to nine months. Once the redness goes away, they are not very noticeable. A breast reduction is a procedure that is usually partially covered by insurance.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a middle-aged patient that desired a breast reduction. She is 5’5″ tall and weighs 230 lbs. She is a 42DDD. She has had several children. She weighed 150 lbs prior to her birth of her children and was a C cup. Following the birth of her children, the breasts enlarged during pregnancy and did not revert to pre-pregnancy size. She complained of neck, back, and shoulder pains with rashes beneath the breasts. She had pain in the back of her head and across her shoulders. She had prominent chest folds that extended almost to her back. She underwent a breast reduction with free nipple grafting removing over 1,000 grams from each breast. The lateral chest fold was also excised. Later, she had prominent bilateral axillary tissue excised. She is shown several months status post axillary breast tissue excision. She has gotten an outstanding result from the surgery. Her neck, back, and shoulder symptoms are essentially gone. The contour of the axilla is now normal. The scars are flat and soft. She is very happy with her results.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
These are pre-op and post-op photos of revision breast augmentation with a mastopexy. She had old submuscular silicone gel implants that were 700cc bilaterally. She underwent removal of the ruptured implants, conversion to a submuscular neo-pocket, and replacement with 405cc smooth surface silicone gel implants. She then had a central mound mastopexy to center the breast mound and nipple areolar complexes over the implants. Her post-op pictures are about 2 months after her surgery. The breasts are soft and the scars are flat, soft, and faint. The implants are soft. The nipple areolar complexes have intact sensation. The smaller implants have markedly improved her neck, back, and shoulder discomfort.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 25 year old lady that desired a breast augmentation. She had some asymmetry of the breasts. The right breast was a little smaller than the left breast. Postoperatively this is a four year follow up from her breast augmentation. The breasts are soft and in good position. The breast implants fit her body well and do not make her look to large and give her a nice, natural appearance.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a lady who presents after weight loss. She has severe drooping of her breasts. She still has a good bit of excessive adipose tissue and skin on the sides of her chest. The nipples are pointing inferiorly and she has no superior fullness and no shape to the breasts. She underwent a mastopexy with implants. As you can see, she now has a nice shape to her breasts with some upper pole fullness. Her nipples are now in the appropriate position. All in all, she got a really nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a middle-aged lady that had implants placed almost 20 years ago. She had children in the interim and presented with capsules on both breasts without any associated trauma. She had a great deal of loose skin with very little breast tissue. It was basically skin on top of implant. Her intact implants were removed. A neo-pocket was created between the anterior capsule and posterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle. This is an expeditious way to deal with capsular contracture. We were able to place 240cc gel implants. She is seen here about 2 month’s s/p surgery. She has maintained nipple sensation. She is a D cup. The breasts are symmetrical. The creases are sharp. The implants displace well.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
These are pre-op and 4 month post op pictures of a breast reduction with free nipple grafting. She is from the Florida panhandle. She is 5’10” tall and weighs 220lbs. Her bra size is a 38G. She has had several pregnancies. She complained of painful shoulders and shoulder grooving, upper back pain, and lower back pain. She had been involved with chiropractic care for years which was transiently helpful. Exercise was very difficult and painful. She wished a breast reduction to improve her neck, back, and shoulder pain and to facilitate exercise. She had removal of over 1,000 grams from each breast. She is extremely pleased with the results of her surgery and has had near complete resolution of her symptoms. Exercise is getting easier. She and her husband are both happy with her more appropriate size and resolution of her symptoms. Her breasts are symmetrical and have a pleasing shape. She has glandular ptosis in the lower pole and some fullness in the upper pole. The scars are flat, soft, and non-tender. All in all, she got a really nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
These are pre and post op photos on a lady that had a family history of breast cancer. Her odds of contracting breast cancer in her lifetime was about 30%. In the consultation with her general surgeon, she opted for bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction. She is 5’8” tall and weighs 215lbs. Her breast size was a 38C. She wished to be considerably larger than her present size and her breasts back up on her chest. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with staged reconstruction using tissue expanders and dermal matrix. She ultimately had 800cc silicone gel implants placed with fat grafting for symmetry. The breasts are nicely shaped and symmetrical. She has some upper pole fullness. The nipple areolar complexes have good projection. All in all, she got a very nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is before and after pictures of a lady that wishes enlargement and improvement in the shape of her breasts. She has had multiple pregnancies and got as large as DD with her pregnancies. Preoperatively she was a C cup. She wished to see a good bit of cleavage in the upper poles but did not wish to the see the outline of the implants. She underwent a wise pattern mastopexy with augmentation. She has 485cc Natrelle smooth surface gel implants. She is regaining nipple sensation. She is very happy with the size and shape of her breasts as well as the upper pole contour.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a patient that was found to have left breast cancer and underwent bilateral mastectomies with sentinel node biopsies. She had clear margins and the nodes were negative. She did not require chemotherapy or radiation. She presented for a delayed reconstruction. Preoperatively she was a B and wanted to be larger than that. She underwent a stage reconstruction with tissue expanders and dermal matrix. The dermal matrix serves as an internal bra to support the implant in the desired position. Following a period of expansion for a month or two to allow for the stretched out breast skin to settle. She was then returned to the operating room where the expanders were replaced with a permanent silicone gel implants, 750cc. Several months later she underwent reconstruction of the nipple areolar complexes. Tattooing is an option to get better color of the areolas which she has declined. The breasts are nicely shaped. They are symmetrical and the creases are sharp. The implants have remained soft and natural appearing. She is a large C/small D in bra lines. This is a really very nice result for an implant reconstruction. She and I are both very happy with the results.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a lady that has been having chronic neck and shoulder pains due to her large breasts. She desired a breast reduction. Postoperatively you can see that a significant amount of weight has been removed from the breasts. The grooving in her shoulders has been improved. The breasts are now uplifted and in good position. This is a procedure that insurance will usually cover a significant portion of. People are usually off work around one week after this procedure.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a lady that had saline implants with a mastopexy almost 15 years ago. Recently the left implant ruptured. She is quite thin and her breasts are basically skin on top of implant. The left implant was clearly ruptured. The right implant was encapsulated and quite firm. She underwent redo aug/mastopexy with conversion to gel implants in a neo-pocket, to maintain the implant beneath the pectoralis major muscle. Her breast size remained basically unchanged and she has also maintained nipple sensation. She got a really nice result from what can be a difficult situation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 25YO lady that had hypoplastic breasts. She had problems wearing swimsuits and any type of top that required any shape to the breasts. She did not want to be very large she just wanted a little more fullness.
She underwent a bilateral breast augmentation. Postoperatively you can see that she is much more proportional in size but does not have the appearance of an operated breast. Many patients want more fullness and shape but do not want the obvious appearance of a breast augmentation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This teenaged female was referred by her OB/GYN for consideration for unilateral breast
hypertrophy. She had been severely asymmetric for basically seven to eight years, her entire adolescent period. Her left breast is a D cup. She liked the size of her smaller right breast and did not wish implants to improve symmetry. She underwent a left-sided breast reduction using a
superior medial technique, removing about 700 grams. She was able to maintain sensation in the nipple-areolar complex. She is now symmetrical. Buying clothing and swimwear is now possible. The discomfort associated with a left-sided breast is markedly improved.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 25YO lady that has congenital tuberous breasts. She has marked asymmetry of the breasts. She has undergone bilateral breast reconstruction with silicone implants and a reconstructive mastopexy. As you can see there is a significant difference in how the breasts look preoperatively and postoperatively. Now she is not self conscious about her breasts and can wear any type of revealing clothing she desires.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a lady that had breast implants as a young woman. These were saline implants through a periareolar incision. She has had several children and has developed some droopiness of the breasts. The breasts are now down on her abdomen and her nipple areolar complexes are down pointing. She wished to be a larger size with a hint of upper pole fullness. She underwent revision breast augmentation with mastopexy with a conversion to gel implants. She is maybe a ½ cup size bigger than she was and has a nice upper and lower pole contour. The nipple areolar complexes are now pointing straight ahead. Her scars are flat and soft and non-tender. They should lighten up over time.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a young lady who had saline implants place in 2011. Over time her breast tissue has thinned to the point that you could feel the rippling in the implants and when she would lay flat on her back the implants would slide off her chest. This would create a wide cleft between her breasts overlying the sternum. She was pretty much happy with the size. She was carried to the operating room and we went back through the old inframammary creasescar and replaced the saline implants with gel implants. Gel implants typically don’t ripple near as much as saline do. We also reduced the size of the implant pocket which pushed the implants medially toward the sternum.These repairs were reinforced with Vicryl mesh. She has gotten a very nice result. Shown are the 2 months before and after photos with the breasts situated on her chest wall when she is supine on her back.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 45YO lady that has had a previous breast augmentation. She has gotten a capsule contracture of her right breast. As you can see, the right breast is quite full superiorly. The left breast is hanging and she has lost volume in that breast. Both breasts are somewhat droopy and misshaped. She underwent a revision breast augmentation and a breast lift. As you can see postoperatively, the nipples are in good position and pointing forward as they should. She now has adequate projection of the breasts and superior fullness. The redness in the scars usually stays for around six to nine months. Once the redness is gone, the scars are not very noticeable.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a middle-aged lady that had prior breast implants and was found to have breast cancer in the right breast. The tumor was small and peripherally located away from the nipple areolar complex which facilitated a nipple sparing operation. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with sentinel node biopsies through a lateral, radial incision with immediate direct implant reconstructions. Her breast size is a little larger than her pre-op size and she has a little better fill in the upper poles. The lower pole contour is more youthful than her preoperative state. She has gotten a very nice result made possible by tumor characteristics that would allow immediate direct implant reconstruction with nipple sparing mastectomies.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This patient was found to have a lobular carcinoma in situ on her left breast. This showed up on a routine mammogram. She had frequent mammograms and multiple biopsies on the left side. She had a pronounced family history of breast cancer. She was given multiple options and opted for bilateral mastectomies with immediate reconstructions. Because the tumor was small and deep, it was an option to do her mastectomy as a nipple sparing mastectomy, which was done through periareolar incisions with lateral extensions. Her mastectomy was done by Dr. Scott Robbins. At the completion of the mastectomy, Strattice dermal matrix was placed to serve as an internal bra with placement of tissue expanders which were expanded over time to the appropriate volume. A second operation was carried out to replace the tissue expanders with a permanent implant, remove the breast tissue beneath the nipple areola complexes, and revise Strattice on both sides. She has gotten a very nice result. She has maintained pretty much her breast size and shape and her own nipple areola complexes. She had negative margins on all of her resections and remains cancer free to date.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This lady was seen for consideration for prophylactic mastectomies. She has multiple family members with breast cancer. Subcutaneous mastectomies are done to diminish the risk of developing breast cancer. They maintain the skin and the nipple areolar complex but remove the breast parenchyma from inside the breast. This can be done through several scars. This lady’s were done through a radial excision. She underwent the operation to remove the breast tissue and went through a staged reconstruction with a tissue expander and Alloderm in the 1ststage. Alloderm is a product made from human skin that acts as an internal bra to maintain the shape of the breast and keep it soft. She underwent a series of expansions to fill the expander implant to the desired size and then had a 2ndoperation to replace the expander for a permanent implant. We also used some fat to correct some asymmetry in the upper poles of the breasts. She is a good two sizes larger than her pre-operative size. The nipple areolar complexes are in good position. The breasts are soft and feel natural. The scars are still red but are flat and soft and should continue to improve over the next year.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This lady I had seen years earlier for consideration for a breast reduction. In the interim, she was diagnosed with right breast cancer. She underwent a lumpectomy followed by a breast reduction which allowed manipulation of some of the right breast tissue to fill out the lumpectomy defect. She subsequently had radiation on the right breast for cancer. She is shown preoperatively and two months postoperatively. She has more appropriate size breasts that are symmetrical in size and shape. They have good projection. Her neck, back, and shoulder symptoms are completely resolved.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
These are pre-op and 4 month post op pictures of a breast reduction with free nipple grafting. She is from the Florida panhandle. She is 5’10” tall and weighs 220lbs. Her bra size is a 38G. She has had several pregnancies. She complained of painful shoulders and shoulder grooving, upper back pain, and lower back pain. She had been involved with chiropractic care for years which was transiently helpful. Exercise was very difficult and painful. She wished a breast reduction to improve her neck, back, and shoulder pain and to facilitate exercise. She had removal of over 1,000 grams from each breast. She is extremely pleased with the results of her surgery and has had near complete resolution of her symptoms. Exercise is getting easier. She and her husband are both happy with her more appropriate size and resolution of her symptoms. Her breasts are symmetrical and have a pleasing shape. She has glandular ptosis in the lower pole and some fullness in the upper pole. The scars are flat, soft, and non-tender. All in all, she got a really nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a young female that is 5’4” tall and weighs 150lbs seeing us for consideration for a breast reduction. Her bra size was a 34E. She complained of daily posterior neck pain, upper intrascapular back pain, and headaches on the back of her head. She had numbness and paresthesia in the ring and little fingers of her right hand from compression from her bra straps. She underwent a three month course of physical therapy which was not helpful. The large, droopy breasts created indentations across the leading edge of the shoulder and the pulling on the trapezius muscle was responsible for the symptoms she was having. She underwent a breast reduction with free nipple grafting removing a total of 700 grams from the right breast and about 600 grams from the left. Her bra size is now a C cup. All of her symptoms have completely resolved. The breasts are nicely shaped and symmetrical. They are off her abdomen and her rashes have also resolved. She is shown preoperatively and three months post op.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 45YO lady that had breast implants. She was actually a little larger than she wanted to be and she had some children and starting drooping some. She decide she wanted to have her implants removed. After removing the implants, we did a mastopexy to help tighten her up and give her some shape. As you can see postoperatively she has a really good shape to the breasts. She is smaller like she wished to be.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
These are pre and post op photographs of a young lady that has had 3 children. She is about 110lbs. She weighed as much as almost 200lbs. with her pregnancy. After the birth of her children, she was barely an A cup and wished to be a C cup with some upper pole fullness. Her breasts were basically empty socks with skin on top of her chest wall, ribs, and musculature. She is an athlete and her skin was not very strong. We opted for a smaller implant that we thought would not be problematic during her athletic endeavors and would also have a better chance of holding over time in light of her poor skin quality. She underwent an augmentation/mastopexy using 310cc silicone implants. Post operatively she is a C cup and the nipple areolar complexes remain sensate. The breasts are symmetrical and soft. The scars are flat and soft and the color continues to improve. She has gotten a very nice result and is quite pleased.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a lady that desired some cosmetic improvement of her droopy breasts. She also wanted more superior fullness. The nipples were pointing toward the floor and she wanted them uplifted and pointing upwards.
She underwent a mastopexy with silicone implants. Her breasts are now reshaped with more fullness and much less droopiness. The nipples are now in good position.
This procedure is done at the hospital in outpatient.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a middle aged lady who wished some improvement in her chest. She is small and weighs less than 120lbs. She initially was here and thinking that she wished only to have a mastopexy. She had seen a “cosmetic surgeon” that had recommended very large implants. The implants would not have addressed the problems and the size that was recommended was out of line for her small frame. In the consultation it was determined that she did wish more projection i.e. an implant and did want some more fullness in the upper poles. She also wished some improvement in the asymmetry. In addition to some asymmetry in the breasts themselves, she had some body asymmetry on the whole left side of her body. It is higher than the right i.e. the shoulder, inframammary crease, and the hip. I did ultimately operate on her and did a wise pattern mastopexy with a 195cc on the right and a perioareolar lift on the left with a 255cc implant. This got her breasts more symmetrical. It gave her the upper pole fullness that she desired. Her breast size is appropriate for her small frame. She has maintained sensation in both nipple areolar complexes. Her scars are flat and soft and will continue to fade with time. Post operative photos are two months out. She has gotten a very nice result and is very pleased with the outcome.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a pre and 5 month post op on a healthy lady. She is 5’4” tall and weighs 150lbs. She is a 36C. She had never been pregnant. Her biggest issue was droopiness of the breasts and secondary concerns were her size and lack of upper pole fullness. She needed a mastopexy to get the breasts back up on her chest. She liked the 300cc trials. She underwent augmentation/mastopexy with saline implants. She has 370cc on the right and 300cc on the left. This gave her breasts more projection i.e. size and upper pole fullness. The wise pattern got the breasts back up off her abdomen and onto her chest. She maintained nipple sensation. The scars remain flat and soft.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 23YO lady that desired some increase in size of her breasts. Also, her left beast was larger than the right and she wanted to be more symmetrical. She did not wish to have very large breasts just enough to fill out her clothes and have a natural appearance.
She underwent a bilateral breast augmentation with implants. As you can see postoperatively, she now looks much more symmetrical. She has a very natural appearance and her clothes fit her much better.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 30ishYO female that is 5’3” tall and weighs 120lbs. She is a 34A. She has had multiple pregnancies and got as large as a C. Her skin is stretchy and hypermobile. She wanted only a slight bit of upper pole fullness. She tried the various implant sizes in the office and liked something between 400-500cc. In surgery she had 485cc Natrelle inspire smooth surface implants placed bilaterally. Her post op course was unremarkable. She has maintained nipple sensation. The breasts are soft and displace nicely.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen