(334) 793-7211
Case #52675
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy

This is a lady who presents after weight loss. She has severe drooping of her breasts. She still has a good bit of excessive adipose tissue and skin on the sides of her chest. The nipples are pointing inferiorly and she has no superior fullness and no shape to the breasts. She underwent a mastopexy with implants. As you can see, she now has a nice shape to her breasts with some upper pole fullness. Her nipples are now in the appropriate position. All in all, she got a really nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin

Case #55984
Age: n/a
Procedure: Redo breast augmentation

This is a middle-aged lady that had implants placed almost 20 years ago. She had children in the interim and presented with capsules on both breasts without any associated trauma. She had a great deal of loose skin with very little breast tissue. It was basically skin on top of implant. Her intact implants were removed. A neo-pocket was created between the anterior capsule and posterior surface of the pectoralis major muscle. This is an expeditious way to deal with capsular contracture. We were able to place 240cc gel implants. She is seen here about 2 month’s s/p surgery. She has maintained nipple sensation. She is a D cup. The breasts are symmetrical. The creases are sharp. The implants displace well.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #56625
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reduction

These are pre-op and 4 month post op pictures of a breast reduction with free nipple grafting. She is from the Florida panhandle. She is 5’10” tall and weighs 220lbs. Her bra size is a 38G. She has had several pregnancies. She complained of painful shoulders and shoulder grooving, upper back pain, and lower back pain. She had been involved with chiropractic care for years which was transiently helpful. Exercise was very difficult and painful. She wished a breast reduction to improve her neck, back, and shoulder pain and to facilitate exercise. She had removal of over 1,000 grams from each breast. She is extremely pleased with the results of her surgery and has had near complete resolution of her symptoms. Exercise is getting easier. She and her husband are both happy with her more appropriate size and resolution of her symptoms. Her breasts are symmetrical and have a pleasing shape. She has glandular ptosis in the lower pole and some fullness in the upper pole. The scars are flat, soft, and non-tender. All in all, she got a really nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #56632
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

These are pre and post op photos on a lady that had a family history of breast cancer. Her odds of contracting breast cancer in her lifetime was about 30%. In the consultation with her general surgeon, she opted for bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction. She is 5’8” tall and weighs 215lbs. Her breast size was a 38C. She wished to be considerably larger than her present size and her breasts back up on her chest. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with staged reconstruction using tissue expanders and dermal matrix. She ultimately had 800cc silicone gel implants placed with fat grafting for symmetry. The breasts are nicely shaped and symmetrical. She has some upper pole fullness. The nipple areolar complexes have good projection. All in all, she got a very nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #56670
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy

This is before and after pictures of a lady that wishes enlargement and improvement in the shape of her breasts. She has had multiple pregnancies and got as large as DD with her pregnancies. Preoperatively she was a C cup. She wished to see a good bit of cleavage in the upper poles but did not wish to the see the outline of the implants. She underwent a wise pattern mastopexy with augmentation. She has 485cc Natrelle smooth surface gel implants. She is regaining nipple sensation. She is very happy with the size and shape of her breasts as well as the upper pole contour.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #56713
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

This is a patient that was found to have left breast cancer and underwent bilateral mastectomies with sentinel node biopsies. She had clear margins and the nodes were negative. She did not require chemotherapy or radiation. She presented for a delayed reconstruction. Preoperatively she was a B and wanted to be larger than that. She underwent a stage reconstruction with tissue expanders and dermal matrix. The dermal matrix serves as an internal bra to support the implant in the desired position. Following a period of expansion for a month or two to allow for the stretched out breast skin to settle. She was then returned to the operating room where the expanders were replaced with a permanent silicone gel implants, 750cc. Several months later she underwent reconstruction of the nipple areolar complexes. Tattooing is an option to get better color of the areolas which she has declined. The breasts are nicely shaped. They are symmetrical and the creases are sharp. The implants have remained soft and natural appearing. She is a large C/small D in bra lines. This is a really very nice result for an implant reconstruction. She and I are both very happy with the results.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #54375
Age: 52
Procedure: Breast Reduction

This is a lady that has been having chronic neck and shoulder pains due to her large breasts. She desired a breast reduction. Postoperatively you can see that a significant amount of weight has been removed from the breasts. The grooving in her shoulders has been improved. The breasts are now uplifted and in good position. This is a procedure that insurance will usually cover a significant portion of. People are usually off work around one week after this procedure.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin

Case #57382
Age: n/a
Procedure: Redo breast augmentation with mastopexy

This is a lady that had saline implants with a mastopexy almost 15 years ago. Recently the left implant ruptured. She is quite thin and her breasts are basically skin on top of implant. The left implant was clearly ruptured. The right implant was encapsulated and quite firm. She underwent redo aug/mastopexy with conversion to gel implants in a neo-pocket, to maintain the implant beneath the pectoralis major muscle. Her breast size remained basically unchanged and she has also maintained nipple sensation. She got a really nice result from what can be a difficult situation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #57305
Age: 25
Procedure: Breast Augmentation

This is a 25YO lady that had hypoplastic breasts. She had problems wearing swimsuits and any type of top that required any shape to the breasts. She did not want to be very large she just wanted a little more fullness.
She underwent a bilateral breast augmentation. Postoperatively you can see that she is much more proportional in size but does not have the appearance of an operated breast. Many patients want more fullness and shape but do not want the obvious appearance of a breast augmentation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin

Case #50513
Age: n/a
Procedure: Tuberous Breast/Congenital Asymmetry

This teenaged female was referred by her OB/GYN for consideration for unilateral breast
hypertrophy. She had been severely asymmetric for basically seven to eight years, her entire adolescent period. Her left breast is a D cup. She liked the size of her smaller right breast and did not wish implants to improve symmetry. She underwent a left-sided breast reduction using a
superior medial technique, removing about 700 grams. She was able to maintain sensation in the nipple-areolar complex. She is now symmetrical. Buying clothing and swimwear is now possible. The discomfort associated with a left-sided breast is markedly improved.

Photos submitted by Dr. Owen