Breast Augmentation

Feagin & Owen are Breast Implant Experts

Women looking for breast enlargement come from all walks of life. Everyone has a different story about why she wants to improve the size and shape of her breasts. Some want to stand out in a crowd and turn heads, others just want to feel normal and blend in. Some want to be the person they’ve dreamed about, others just want to feel like themselves again.​


Breast Augmentation/Enlargement

Breast augmentation is a procedure for improving the size and shape of a woman’s breasts using breast implants. Breast implants can be used to improve the appearance of breasts that:

  • Are too small
  • Have lost volume or firmness after pregnancy or weight loss
  • Do not have an attractive shape
  • Are uneven in size and/or shape

Breast implants are the best technique available to achieve these results. Sometimes, to get the best results, breast implants are utilized in combination with a breast lift or mastopexy to ensure your breasts have the appearance you desire.​


Good Breast Augmentation Results

Breast implants will always make your breasts larger, but good results require more than just an increase in size. A good breast surgeon will also be able to help you get an improvement in your breast shape, including:

  • Proportionate size to the body
  • Natural position on the chest
  • Evenness of size, shape, and position of breasts
  • Position of the nipple in the center of the breast
  • Fullness in the upper part of the breast
  • Well-defined, but not unnatural-looking cleavage
  • Assist you in choosing the correct type of implant for you

To achieve the best-looking results requires a surgeon with training, skill, and experience. A well-trained surgeon knows the best practices for performing the procedure safely. A skilled surgeon is able to deftly accomplish the procedure, achieving the results you desire. Experience hones the gifts of training and skill, while preparing a surgeon for the unexpected because he has dealt with it before.​


Your Breast Enlargement Options

Breast enlargement, also known as breast augmentation, can be customized through several of the surgical variables. In customizing your breast enlargement procedure, you can choose:

  • Size of breast implant
  • Type of breast implant
  • Placement of breast implant
  • Location of surgical incision

Each of these can affect your results, and we can help you make the decisions that will give you the look you want from your procedure.


Breast Implant Size

The size of breast implants used in your breast enlargement are crucial to getting you the results you desire. Of course you want larger breasts, but how much larger? The board-certified plastic surgeons at the Feagin & Owen Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center have extensive experience with helping women get great results from breast enlargement and can help you to understand what size breast implants can help you look natural and proportional. If you are trying to restore volume your breasts have lost due to weight loss or pregnancy, you probably desire a natural-looking result that looks attractive and addresses any sagging you have, potentially by combining breast implants with a breast lift. On the other hand, you may be looking to get breast enlargement to have larger breasts that will get attention and may not care that people will be able to tell that you have had surgery.​

In general, smaller implants look more natural, while larger implants will help you achieve a “flashier” appearance. We will listen to your appearance goals, perform measurements, and give recommendations about the best size breast implants for you.​


Types of Breast Implants

Breast implant types are distinguished by fill material and shape. Breast implants can be filled with either saline solution or silicone gel. In general, silicone gel looks and feels more natural, but is more expensive and has more restrictions, such as only being available for boob jobs for women age 22 and older. Silicone gel is strongly recommended for women who are thin and have little natural breast tissue to cover the implant, but most women can get good-looking results from either saline or silicone implants.​

Breast implants can either be round or anatomic in shape. Most breast enlargement patients do well with round breast implants. Anatomic shape breast implants are used most commonly for breast reconstruction. Round breast implants also come in a number of profiles, which can help women with a narrow frame get the projection they desire without making their chest look overcrowded.​


Placement of Breast Implant

In breast enlargement surgery, the breast implants are placed either directly under the breast tissue or under the pectoral muscle. When the implants are placed under the breast tissue, it is known as subglandular placement. When they are placed under the muscle, it is known as submuscular placement. In general, Dr. Feagin and Dr. Owen prefer submuscular placement of implants because it decreases the risk of capsular contracture and does a better job of covering the implant, which is especially important when saline implants are being used.​


Breast Enlargement Incision Options

Breast enlargement can be performed using one of three different incision locations:

  • Inframammary (in the breast crease)
  • Periareolar (below the nipple)
  • Transaxillary (in the armpit)

All three of these incisions can give good results, and which is used depends on the artistry of the surgeon. During your consultation, we will discuss these options in detail and talk about which is best for your situation.


Breast Augmentation Costs & Financing

Typical breast augmentation cost is around $5,000, however, total costs depends on your unique needs and if you desire/need additional procedures or techniques during your breast surgery.​

We accept cash, credit cards and CareCredit. You can apply for CareCredit prior to or during your consultation. All surgeries are paid in full at surgery scheduling.​

Monthly payments are estimated for silicone breast augmentation to be:

  • 24 Months: $206*/month
  • 36 Months: $148*/month
  • 48 Months: $119*/month
  • 60 Months: $101*/month​

*On qualifying purchases made with your CareCredit credit card account. Fixed Monthly Payment amount based on repayment over 24, 36, 48 or 60 month period. Purchases of $1,000 or more are eligible for a 24, 36 or 48 month offer and purchases of $2,500 or more are eligible for a 60 month offer.​


Why Feagin & Owen for Your Breast Augmentation

Dr. Charles A. Feagin and Dr. William Owen are both board-certified plastic surgeons. This means they have been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery as understanding and capable of following the best practices for breast augmentation surgery.

Dr. Feagin has been practicing plastic surgery in Dothan since 1983, and Dr. Owen joined his practice in 1990, so they have 60 years of combined surgical experience, during which time they have helped thousands of patients from Alabama, Georgia, and Florida to get great results from breast augmentation. See our Before & After gallery for some examples of the their work.

Dr. Feagin and Dr. Owen are also very good at helping you feel comfortable in planning your procedure – creating a positive breast augmentation experience from the first consultation to your last follow-up.

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