Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)

With aging, there are some significant changes to the orbital area in both the upper and lower lid area.

Upper lids

  • Some laxity of the skin occurs and causes hooding of the upper eyelid skin in the central orbital area as well as lateral.
  • The puffiness which occurs is due to excessive fat in the central upper lid area.  Also the brow starts to fall to a varying degree.
  • In order to correct this problem, we excise excessive skin and remove the protruding fat.  The resulting scar is placed in a natural crease in the upper lid and laterally it is designed to fall in a crow’s foot line.  Thus upper lid scarring is usually imperceptible.

After having a blepharoplasty, the eyes appear more open and brighter.  It makes it possible to use eye shadow again.

The extra skin and herniated fat actually cause symptoms and problems with the eyes such as:

  • Loss of vision in the upper and lateral fields of vision.
  • Difficulty in keep the eyes open in the afternoon which is due to fatigue of the small weak muscle that has to open the upper lid against the weight of the excessive skin and herniated fat.
  • Difficulty in wearing eye shadow or eye makeup.
  • Some people will actually bump their head on overhanging objects because they do not see them while others pull out in front of oncoming cars from the side due to the loss of side vision.

Insurance will often pay for upper lid blepharoplasty if the hanging skin and herniated fat causes problems with their vision.  People are usually surprised to discover after an upper lid blepharoplasty that they see much better and afternoon fatigue is often resolved.

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