This is a 51 year old lady that desired some rejuvenation of her face and neck. She had started getting some excessive fat in the neck and had an obtuse cervical mental angle. Also she has lost the border of her jaw line. She was getting some generalized looseness of her face. She underwent a face and neck rejuvenation. Postoperatively as you can tell we now have a nice, sharp jaw line for her. Her face looks much softer and more youthful. This is a procedure that we do in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 51 year old lady that desires some refreshening of her face. She is a very active lady but was starting to get some looseness in the face. She is losing some of the defined jaw line and getting some extra fat in her neck. She basically has generalized looseness in her face. She underwent facial and neck rejuvenation. As you can see, she has a nice, sharp angle to her neck. She has a defined jaw line. The whole face has been repositioned and rejuvenated. This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr.Feagin
This is a 41YO lady who was complaining of excessive fat and looseness in her neck. Also, she started to jowl some and had some indentions on the sides of her chin. She underwent a face and neck rejuvenation with fat grafting. As you can see now, she has a good shape to her neck with a good, strong jaw line. When you look around the mouth area, the fat grafting has helped rejuvenate her whole mouth area. This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a lady that is in her 50’s. She started getting a lot of looseness in her face, especially in the jowl and neck area. Also she developed a lot of excessive fat in the jowl area. She had face and neck rejuvenation. As you can see she was indented in front of the jowls. This area as well as the chin was fat grafted to help fill this in. The indentions around the chin were released and excessive fat in the neck was removed. The neck was also tightened. This procedure is usually done in the office through IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 65 year old lady that has developed some premature aging in her face. Some of this is due to loose tissue and some is due to loss of fat in her face. She has undergone facial rejuvenation with fat grafting. As you can see, the fat grafting has filled her face out significantly and made her look much younger and more vibrant. This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 60 year old lady who has been self conscious of her excessive fat in her neck and loss of jaw line. She also has generalized looseness of the face and jaw area. She had some indentations where she had loss of fat in the lateral chin area. She underwent facial and neck rejuvenation in the office with IV sedation. The fat removed from the neck is permanently removed as long as there is no fluctuance in weight gain.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 55 year old lady that desires some cosmetic improvement in her face and neck. When I examine her, she has a good bit of extra fat in the neck. She is jowling significantly and has generalized looseness in the face. This has given her face a puffy appearance. She has totally lost definition of her mandibular border and neck. She underwent a facial rejuvenation procedure. As you can see we have removed fat from the neck and she now has a sharp mandibular border. We have lifted her jowls and done multiple fat graftings in her face. She now looks much more vibrant and feels much better about herself. This is a procedure we do in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 63 year old lady that is getting generalized looseness of skin and tissue in her face and brow as well as excessive fat in her neck. She has lost her jaw line and volume in the lips and the area around her eyes and mouth. She underwent facial rejuvenation with fat grafting. She now has a much more refreshed look. We have defined her mandibular border and filled fat in the areas around her mouth and eyes. This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 47YO lady that had a lot of concerns with excessive fat in the neck and also loss of the jaw line. She had no distinction of her face and neck. It appeared that the face just blended into the neck. This was due to the excessive fat in the neck and the looseness of the facial tissue. She underwent face and neck rejuvenation. As you can see, she now has a nice jaw line with a nice, sharp angle to her neck. Whenever you remove fat by trimming it out with liposuction, it usually stays gone for many years. The procedure is done with IV sedation in the office.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 62YO lady that desires some freshening of her face. She has lost her jaw line and had excessive fat in the neck. She had loss of fat in the mouth area as well as under her eyes. She underwent face and neck rejuvenation with fat grafting. This procedure is done in the office with IV sedation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 52YO lady that has a beautiful face. She has very good facial structures. She had started getting some looseness of the face with some excessive fat in the neck. She had lost her distinct jaw line. She underwent facial and neck rejuvenation. As you can see, you can now see her jaw line and she has good angles to the neck. The looseness that she had in her mid-face has now been uplifted. Some fat was added around the side of the chin to correct some of the indentions just inferior to the mouth.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 55 year old lady that started having some looseness of her face and neck. She lost her jaw line and did not like the turkey gobbler under her neck. Her brows were starting to descend just a little and she noticed her eyes were not as bright as they used to be. She underwent a face, neck, and brow rejuvenation in the office operating room. As you see post operatively, she now has a sharp neck line and well defined mandibular border. Her brows are up some and her eyes now appear much brighter.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin