This teenaged female was referred by her OB/GYN for consideration for unilateral breast
hypertrophy. She had been severely asymmetric for basically seven to eight years, her entire adolescent period. Her left breast is a D cup. She liked the size of her smaller right breast and did not wish implants to improve symmetry. She underwent a left-sided breast reduction using a
superior medial technique, removing about 700 grams. She was able to maintain sensation in the nipple-areolar complex. She is now symmetrical. Buying clothing and swimwear is now possible. The discomfort associated with a left-sided breast is markedly improved.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 25YO lady that has congenital tuberous breasts. She has marked asymmetry of the breasts. She has undergone bilateral breast reconstruction with silicone implants and a reconstructive mastopexy. As you can see there is a significant difference in how the breasts look preoperatively and postoperatively. Now she is not self conscious about her breasts and can wear any type of revealing clothing she desires.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin