(334) 793-7211
Case #56632
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

These are pre and post op photos on a lady that had a family history of breast cancer. Her odds of contracting breast cancer in her lifetime was about 30%. In the consultation with her general surgeon, she opted for bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction. She is 5’8” tall and weighs 215lbs. Her breast size was a 38C. She wished to be considerably larger than her present size and her breasts back up on her chest. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with staged reconstruction using tissue expanders and dermal matrix. She ultimately had 800cc silicone gel implants placed with fat grafting for symmetry. The breasts are nicely shaped and symmetrical. She has some upper pole fullness. The nipple areolar complexes have good projection. All in all, she got a very nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #56713
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

This is a patient that was found to have left breast cancer and underwent bilateral mastectomies with sentinel node biopsies. She had clear margins and the nodes were negative. She did not require chemotherapy or radiation. She presented for a delayed reconstruction. Preoperatively she was a B and wanted to be larger than that. She underwent a stage reconstruction with tissue expanders and dermal matrix. The dermal matrix serves as an internal bra to support the implant in the desired position. Following a period of expansion for a month or two to allow for the stretched out breast skin to settle. She was then returned to the operating room where the expanders were replaced with a permanent silicone gel implants, 750cc. Several months later she underwent reconstruction of the nipple areolar complexes. Tattooing is an option to get better color of the areolas which she has declined. The breasts are nicely shaped. They are symmetrical and the creases are sharp. The implants have remained soft and natural appearing. She is a large C/small D in bra lines. This is a really very nice result for an implant reconstruction. She and I are both very happy with the results.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #52478
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

This is a middle-aged lady that had prior breast implants and was found to have breast cancer in the right breast. The tumor was small and peripherally located away from the nipple areolar complex which facilitated a nipple sparing operation. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with sentinel node biopsies through a lateral, radial incision with immediate direct implant reconstructions. Her breast size is a little larger than her pre-op size and she has a little better fill in the upper poles. The lower pole contour is more youthful than her preoperative state. She has gotten a very nice result made possible by tumor characteristics that would allow immediate direct implant reconstruction with nipple sparing mastectomies.

Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #49910
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

This patient was found to have a lobular carcinoma in situ on her left breast. This showed up on a routine mammogram. She had frequent mammograms and multiple biopsies on the left side. She had a pronounced family history of breast cancer. She was given multiple options and opted for bilateral mastectomies with immediate reconstructions. Because the tumor was small and deep, it was an option to do her mastectomy as a nipple sparing mastectomy, which was done through periareolar incisions with lateral extensions. Her mastectomy was done by Dr. Scott Robbins. At the completion of the mastectomy, Strattice dermal matrix was placed to serve as an internal bra with placement of tissue expanders which were expanded over time to the appropriate volume. A second operation was carried out to replace the tissue expanders with a permanent implant, remove the breast tissue beneath the nipple areola complexes, and revise Strattice on both sides. She has gotten a very nice result. She has maintained pretty much her breast size and shape and her own nipple areola complexes. She had negative margins on all of her resections and remains cancer free to date.

Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #53876
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Reconstruction

This lady was seen for consideration for prophylactic mastectomies. She has multiple family members with breast cancer. Subcutaneous mastectomies are done to diminish the risk of developing breast cancer. They maintain the skin and the nipple areolar complex but remove the breast parenchyma from inside the breast. This can be done through several scars. This lady’s were done through a radial excision. She underwent the operation to remove the breast tissue and went through a staged reconstruction with a tissue expander and Alloderm in the 1ststage. Alloderm is a product made from human skin that acts as an internal bra to maintain the shape of the breast and keep it soft. She underwent a series of expansions to fill the expander implant to the desired size and then had a 2ndoperation to replace the expander for a permanent implant. We also used some fat to correct some asymmetry in the upper poles of the breasts. She is a good two sizes larger than her pre-operative size. The nipple areolar complexes are in good position. The breasts are soft and feel natural. The scars are still red but are flat and soft and should continue to improve over the next year.

Photos submitted by Dr. Owen


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