(334) 793-7211
Case #54440
Age: 25
Procedure: Breast Augmentation

This is a 25 year old lady that desired a breast augmentation. She had some asymmetry of the breasts. The right breast was a little smaller than the left breast. Postoperatively this is a four year follow up from her breast augmentation. The breasts are soft and in good position. The breast implants fit her body well and do not make her look to large and give her a nice, natural appearance.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin

Case #57305
Age: 25
Procedure: Breast Augmentation

This is a 25YO lady that had hypoplastic breasts. She had problems wearing swimsuits and any type of top that required any shape to the breasts. She did not want to be very large she just wanted a little more fullness.
She underwent a bilateral breast augmentation. Postoperatively you can see that she is much more proportional in size but does not have the appearance of an operated breast. Many patients want more fullness and shape but do not want the obvious appearance of a breast augmentation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin

Case #55532
Age: n/a
Procedure: Breast Augmentation Revision

This is a young lady who had saline implants place in 2011. Over time her breast tissue has thinned to the point that you could feel the rippling in the implants and when she would lay flat on her back the implants would slide off her chest. This would create a wide cleft between her breasts overlying the sternum. She was pretty much happy with the size. She was carried to the operating room and we went back through the old inframammary creasescar and replaced the saline implants with gel implants. Gel implants typically don’t ripple near as much as saline do. We also reduced the size of the implant pocket which pushed the implants medially toward the sternum.These repairs were reinforced with Vicryl mesh. She has gotten a very nice result. Shown are the 2 months before and after photos with the breasts situated on her chest wall when she is supine on her back.

Photos submitted by Dr. Owen

Case #56021
Age: 23
Procedure: Breast Augmentation

This is a 23YO lady that desired some increase in size of her breasts. Also, her left beast was larger than the right and she wanted to be more symmetrical. She did not wish to have very large breasts just enough to fill out her clothes and have a natural appearance.
She underwent a bilateral breast augmentation with implants. As you can see postoperatively, she now looks much more symmetrical. She has a very natural appearance and her clothes fit her much better.

Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin

Case #55900
Age: 30
Procedure: Breast Augmentation

This is a 30ishYO female that is 5’3” tall and weighs 120lbs. She is a 34A. She has had multiple pregnancies and got as large as a C. Her skin is stretchy and hypermobile. She wanted only a slight bit of upper pole fullness. She tried the various implant sizes in the office and liked something between 400-500cc. In surgery she had 485cc Natrelle inspire smooth surface implants placed bilaterally. Her post op course was unremarkable. She has maintained nipple sensation. The breasts are soft and displace nicely.

Photos submitted by Dr. Owen


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