These are pre-op and post-op photos of revision breast augmentation with a mastopexy. She had old submuscular silicone gel implants that were 700cc bilaterally. She underwent removal of the ruptured implants, conversion to a submuscular neo-pocket, and replacement with 405cc smooth surface silicone gel implants. She then had a central mound mastopexy to center the breast mound and nipple areolar complexes over the implants. Her post-op pictures are about 2 months after her surgery. The breasts are soft and the scars are flat, soft, and faint. The implants are soft. The nipple areolar complexes have intact sensation. The smaller implants have markedly improved her neck, back, and shoulder discomfort.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a lady who presents after weight loss. She has severe drooping of her breasts. She still has a good bit of excessive adipose tissue and skin on the sides of her chest. The nipples are pointing inferiorly and she has no superior fullness and no shape to the breasts. She underwent a mastopexy with implants. As you can see, she now has a nice shape to her breasts with some upper pole fullness. Her nipples are now in the appropriate position. All in all, she got a really nice result.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is before and after pictures of a lady that wishes enlargement and improvement in the shape of her breasts. She has had multiple pregnancies and got as large as DD with her pregnancies. Preoperatively she was a C cup. She wished to see a good bit of cleavage in the upper poles but did not wish to the see the outline of the implants. She underwent a wise pattern mastopexy with augmentation. She has 485cc Natrelle smooth surface gel implants. She is regaining nipple sensation. She is very happy with the size and shape of her breasts as well as the upper pole contour.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a lady that had saline implants with a mastopexy almost 15 years ago. Recently the left implant ruptured. She is quite thin and her breasts are basically skin on top of implant. The left implant was clearly ruptured. The right implant was encapsulated and quite firm. She underwent redo aug/mastopexy with conversion to gel implants in a neo-pocket, to maintain the implant beneath the pectoralis major muscle. Her breast size remained basically unchanged and she has also maintained nipple sensation. She got a really nice result from what can be a difficult situation.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a lady that had breast implants as a young woman. These were saline implants through a periareolar incision. She has had several children and has developed some droopiness of the breasts. The breasts are now down on her abdomen and her nipple areolar complexes are down pointing. She wished to be a larger size with a hint of upper pole fullness. She underwent revision breast augmentation with mastopexy with a conversion to gel implants. She is maybe a ½ cup size bigger than she was and has a nice upper and lower pole contour. The nipple areolar complexes are now pointing straight ahead. Her scars are flat and soft and non-tender. They should lighten up over time.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 45YO lady that has had a previous breast augmentation. She has gotten a capsule contracture of her right breast. As you can see, the right breast is quite full superiorly. The left breast is hanging and she has lost volume in that breast. Both breasts are somewhat droopy and misshaped. She underwent a revision breast augmentation and a breast lift. As you can see postoperatively, the nipples are in good position and pointing forward as they should. She now has adequate projection of the breasts and superior fullness. The redness in the scars usually stays for around six to nine months. Once the redness is gone, the scars are not very noticeable.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
These are pre and post op photographs of a young lady that has had 3 children. She is about 110lbs. She weighed as much as almost 200lbs. with her pregnancy. After the birth of her children, she was barely an A cup and wished to be a C cup with some upper pole fullness. Her breasts were basically empty socks with skin on top of her chest wall, ribs, and musculature. She is an athlete and her skin was not very strong. We opted for a smaller implant that we thought would not be problematic during her athletic endeavors and would also have a better chance of holding over time in light of her poor skin quality. She underwent an augmentation/mastopexy using 310cc silicone implants. Post operatively she is a C cup and the nipple areolar complexes remain sensate. The breasts are symmetrical and soft. The scars are flat and soft and the color continues to improve. She has gotten a very nice result and is quite pleased.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a lady that desired some cosmetic improvement of her droopy breasts. She also wanted more superior fullness. The nipples were pointing toward the floor and she wanted them uplifted and pointing upwards.
She underwent a mastopexy with silicone implants. Her breasts are now reshaped with more fullness and much less droopiness. The nipples are now in good position.
This procedure is done at the hospital in outpatient.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a middle aged lady who wished some improvement in her chest. She is small and weighs less than 120lbs. She initially was here and thinking that she wished only to have a mastopexy. She had seen a “cosmetic surgeon” that had recommended very large implants. The implants would not have addressed the problems and the size that was recommended was out of line for her small frame. In the consultation it was determined that she did wish more projection i.e. an implant and did want some more fullness in the upper poles. She also wished some improvement in the asymmetry. In addition to some asymmetry in the breasts themselves, she had some body asymmetry on the whole left side of her body. It is higher than the right i.e. the shoulder, inframammary crease, and the hip. I did ultimately operate on her and did a wise pattern mastopexy with a 195cc on the right and a perioareolar lift on the left with a 255cc implant. This got her breasts more symmetrical. It gave her the upper pole fullness that she desired. Her breast size is appropriate for her small frame. She has maintained sensation in both nipple areolar complexes. Her scars are flat and soft and will continue to fade with time. Post operative photos are two months out. She has gotten a very nice result and is very pleased with the outcome.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a pre and 5 month post op on a healthy lady. She is 5’4” tall and weighs 150lbs. She is a 36C. She had never been pregnant. Her biggest issue was droopiness of the breasts and secondary concerns were her size and lack of upper pole fullness. She needed a mastopexy to get the breasts back up on her chest. She liked the 300cc trials. She underwent augmentation/mastopexy with saline implants. She has 370cc on the right and 300cc on the left. This gave her breasts more projection i.e. size and upper pole fullness. The wise pattern got the breasts back up off her abdomen and onto her chest. She maintained nipple sensation. The scars remain flat and soft.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen