This is a lady who was thick in the flank area and did not have as much fullness in her buttocks as she desired. She underwent liposuction of her flanks with fat grafting to her buttocks. As you can see she now has a really good shape to her waist and her buttocks. This procedure was done as an outpatient procedure.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a healthy male who wished some improvement in his truncal contour. The circumference of his abdomen at the level of the umbilicus is 40.5”. He wanted it around 36”. We carried him to the operating room and did liposuction of his lower abdomen and his flanks. Shown are before and about 2-3 months post op. The biggest change is the large flank collections on either side which are basically gone. His measurement around the circumference of his abdomen at the umbilicus is now 36”. He has gotten a nice result. This deep fat that forms the flank collections once removed will usually not come back.
Photos submitted by Dr. Owen
This is a 45YO lady that desires some liposuction of the waist and some fat grafting of her buttocks. She is flattened in the buttocks and has no shaped to the waist area. As you can see from the posterior view, her waist is now shaped up quite nicely. There is now fullness in her buttocks and a better shape. On the side view you can see how much the buttocks has been filled out with fat grafting. She now fills out her blue jeans and pants. This procedure is done through outpatient.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 32YO lady from Bainbridge, Georgia that desired some cosmetic improvement of her waist and buttocks area. She has a moderate amount of fat in the flank area. She has tried dieting but could not get any significant decrease in the waist circumference. She noticed that her pants seemed to ride high because of the bulging in the love handle area.
She underwent SAFE liposuction of the love handle area and abdomen with fat grafts to the buttocks. As you can see, there is marked improvement in the shape of the waist and buttocks.
Fat grafting is where we remove fat from one area, process it, and inject it into an area that needs some more projection. This helps improve contouring of the body. Usually, about half of the fat will live permanently. The fat does not live is reabsorbed by the body.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin
This is a 39YO lady that desires some fat to be removed from her flank area. She has a lot of bulging fat in the flanks. This makes her clothes not fit properly. Her waist is quite high. She desired to have liposuction of the flanks and have the fat placed in the buttocks. I took the fat that was removed from her flanks and filled out the buttocks. She has much more pleasing shape and roundness to the buttocks.
Photos submitted by Dr. Feagin