Questions about Tummy Tucks

Questions About Tummy Tuck

What Is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is the technical name for a tummy tuck. It is a surgical procedure that improves your figure by removing excess skin and fat from the tummy (abdomen) and tightens the muscles and the skin to give you a more attractive figure.

Is an Abdominoplasty Right for Me?

Probably. It is a very popular plastic surgery procedure because it gives great results for most people. The best candidates for abdominoplasty:

  • Are bothered by a protruding tummy
  • Have tried diet and exercise, but cannot reduce their belly
  • Have loose and hanging skin in the belly, not just fat
  • Have slack abdominal muscles
  • Are in good general health
  • Excessive fat in waist

If this describes you, you are an ideal candidate for an abdominoplasty. If you do not meet all the above criteria, you may still be a candidate. The best way to find out is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Charles Feagin or Dr. William Owen for a detailed exam.​

Another good quality for an abdominoplasty candidate is a willingness to take an active role as a patient. This begins with understanding the procedure by reading materials provided on the website, or during your consultation. If you have any questions about the procedure or any instructions, make sure you ask them as they come up. And always call if you have any concerns and make it to all your follow-up appointments.​

Is an Abdominoplasty the Same Thing as Liposuction?

No, but they are both body contouring procedures. It is a surgical procedure that removes not just fat, but excess skin as well. It also tightens the abdominal muscles. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a procedure that removes fat alone. Some patients with a protruding belly may get good results from liposuction if they have good skin tone. Liposuction may also be used to help get the best results during an abdominoplasty. During your consultation, our doctors will evaluate your belly to determine which procedure will best help you get the results you desire.​

Are There Multiple Types of Abdominoplasty?

Yes. We have three types of abdominoplasty we commonly perform:

  • Standard abdominoplasty improves the contour of the entire abdominal area, from the bottom of the rib cage to the pubic area.
  • Modified abdominoplasty targets the region between the belly button and the pubic area. Has a shorter recovery than standard abdominoplasty.
  • Belt abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat from the entire circumference of the lower body, including the flanks and back. The abdomen is tightened, and the contour of the buttocks and outer thighs is improved.

During your consultation, Dr. Owen or Dr. Feagin can help you understand which abdominoplasty will give you the results you desire.​

Does Abdominoplasty Remove Stretch Marks?

Sometimes. When skin is removed during your abdominoplasty, any stretch marks in that skin resection will also be removed. Other stretch marks will be repositioned more inferiorly and tightened, thus improve and some may be unaffected. If this is a concern for you, please bring it up during your consultation and Dr. Feagin or Dr. Owen will help you understand what to expect.

Can Other Procedures Be Performed at the Same Time as My Abdominoplasty?

Yes. It is not at all uncommon to perform another procedure at the same time as an abdominoplasty, especially during a mommy makeover. Procedures often combined with, abdominoplasty include:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction
  • Liposuction of other areas

During your consultation, Dr. Feagin or Dr. Owen will evaluate you to determine if you are a good candidate for combining other procedures with your abdominoplasty.​

How Is Abdominoplasty Performed?

An incision is first made near the pubic region. This incision may be located quite low so that it can be hidden by revealing garments.  The length of the incision depends on the amount of sagging skin to be addressed. For a standard abdominoplasty, it may extend from one hip to the other. In a standard abdominoplasty, a second incision is made around the navel to preserve it. A standard abdominoplasty incision is made around the navel to preserve it and allow for a great amount of skin to be removed.  Excess fat may be removed with liposuction. The abdominal muscles are tightened and cinched. Then the skin is replaced and sutured in place in an entire lower location.​

Will I Have Scars After My Abdominoplasty?

Whenever there is an incision, there will be a scar. Fortunately, your abdominoplasty scar will be low enough that it will be concealed by most underwear and swimsuits, including bikinis. In fact, women with scars  from a previous low-transverse c-section will have that scar removed and find that the new scar is as low or lower than the scar from the earlier operation. With care, most abdominoplasty scars also heal very well and become subtle.​

Is an Abdominoplasty Painful?

An abdominoplasty is a major surgery that is accompanied by some discomfort for most people. Discomfort may last for several days, or even a couple weeks. You will be prescribed oral pain medication, and most patients find it adequate to control their discomfort. Post operatively, you will stay in the hospital overnight to facilitate pain control.​

How Long Is Recovery From an Abdominoplasty?

Most people take between two to three weeks off from work. Most patients report feeling back to normal after four weeks, and most are cleared to get back to their full range of activities by six weeks.​

Why Should I Choose Feagin and Owen for My Abdominoplasty?

If you are considering a surgical procedure like abdominoplasty, you should work with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Charles Feagin and Dr. William Owen are both board-certified plastic surgeon whose surgical training and innate skill have been honed by decades of experience giving great results to patients in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. You can see some of their great results in our Before & After gallery.


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