Questions about Facelifts


  1. What is the ideal age for a facelift?
    • Facial rejuvenation is usually needed when people reach their late 40’s to early 50’s.  However many people do not get the procedure done until they are well into their 60’s.  The younger you are when you get the procedure done; the longer it lasts because the tissue is stronger and stays in position better.
  2. How long do facelifts last?
    • After a facial rejuvenation procedure you will always have improvement in your face no matter what age.  Usually it is 7-10 years before you would benefit from another procedure.
  3. How long do you need to be off work after a facial rejuvenation procedure?
    • People that do office work are usually off work for 8-14 days.
  4. What is the pain level?
    • Surprisingly, facial rejuvenation procedures have minimal pain.  Usually Tylenol will take care of most of the pain.  However, we do give people stronger pain medications in case they need them.  Most of the discomfort is due to the fact that the face and neck feel tight but does not actually hurt.

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